Hugo Chavez threatens to expropriate Toyota plant

Тема в разделе "Наша жизнь", создана пользователем skarg, 27 дек 2009.

  1. skarg

    skarg Well-Known Member

    7 сен 2007
    Опять Сашка недоволен!


    Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez has reportedly threatened Toyota – stating that it needs to produce more vehicles for its rural areas, as well as increase technology transfer, or face expropriation of its local assembly plant.

    President Chavez demanded Wednesday that Toyota needed to bring in more technology from its global operations to the local plant, including manufacturing methods. Chavez complained that Toyota and other automakers were all failing to bring sufficient technology into Venezuela.

    Chavez went on to state that his socialist government is going to apply strict quotas in regards to the number and types of vehicles automakers can produce in Venezuela. Chavez also ordered an immediate inspection of Toyota’s facilities to determine how many “rustic” vehicles it was producing, according to the Wall Street Journal.

    Chavez said, “They’ll have to fulfill [the quotas], and if not, they can get out. We’ll bring in another company.”

    Chavez then went on to explain that if the inspection reveals an improper vehicle production mix or that Toyota is bringing in enough technology, then the Venezuelan government will consider taking over the facilities and transferring it to Chinese companies.

    “We’ll take it, we’ll expropriate it, we’ll pay them what it’s worth and immediately call on the Chinese, ” said Chavez.

    According to the WSJ, Chavez has nationalized dozens of foreign-owned companies and even entire sectors of the economy as part of his move toward “21st century socialism.”

    The local Toyota assembly plant in question currently employs over 2,000 workers, and has been in operation for over 50 years.

    В двух словах пригразил ТоЁтовцам что пересядет на китайскую продукцию! :party:


    Последнее редактирование: 27 дек 2009

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